While I certainly have my share of opinions about music that I listen to, I don't feel like writing out long detailed reviews. I don't want to rant or drone on about how this artist's album is reminiscent of those other albums or about how that band really should've just stopped 20 years ago at their high point, or whatever it is one is supposed to write about in a review. I read them, but to be honest, I think I would suck at writing them. It's just not my style.
So instead, this page will be devoted to music that I like, love, or probably a lot of times, stuff that I happened to hear that made me think, "Wow! This is really interesting!" I may write a bit about back-stories or talk a little about what I particularly appreciate about an artist, track, or album. Ultimately, though, this page is for sharing music that excites me with all of you friends and lurking readers.. So I'ma quit rambling now and hook you up! :)
Erin McKeown is a kickass lady, and this is a happy little song by her that I love:
More awesome music coming soon...